How is Blaming Aging Not Serving You and 5 Steps to Improve Your Health

Imagine waking up full of energy, free from headaches, with the weight and vitality you thought only existed in your youth. What if I told you that these goals aren’t reserved for the lucky few or the young—they’re within your reach, no matter your age?

For many, symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and stubborn extra weight are chalked up to “getting older.” We accept them as unavoidable parts of aging. But here’s the truth: these aren’t signs of aging—they’re red flags from your body, pointing to lifestyle choices that need attention.

Misattributing these issues to aging stops you from addressing the real cause and only drags you closer to diseases.

Here’s what might actually be behind those symptoms:

Headaches: Often linked to dehydration, stress, or poor food quality rather than aging.

Fatigue: Usually caused by inadequate sleep, lack of movement, or nutritional deficiencies.

Extra Weight: Most often, the result of a sedentary lifestyle or high-sugar, ultra-processed foods—not the age! Yes, our hormones change as we age, but so does our lifestyle so we can continue to thrive.

Living with these symptoms can feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. You wake up exhausted, your energy dips before midday, and your body feels sluggish, heavy, or even achy. Over time, this frustration builds—you can’t live fully when you’re weighed down by poor health.

So, let’s get to what to do and why it works.

By focusing on foundational lifestyle habits, you can reclaim your energy, health, and confidence. Here’s how:

Rehydrate Your Body: Start your day with a large glass of filtered water and aim for at least 2 liters daily.

Prioritize Nutrient-Dense, Sustainably Grown Foods: Focus on plants like vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, lean proteins like salmon, chicken, and wild meat, and healthy fats like olive oil and avocado. Eliminate ultra-processed foods and sugar. When you focus on the “yes” foods and fill up on these nutrient-dense, real, sustainable foods, you will not crave any ultra-processed food and sugar. Click to get my helpful guide

Move More Than You Sit: Add walks, strength training, or yoga into your daily routine.
Sleep Smarter: Create a consistent sleep schedule and ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Click to get my helpful guide
Manage Stress: Try deep breathing, meditation, or journaling to calm your mind and body.

These aren’t quick fixes, and medication doesn’t fix lifestyle issues—they’re the foundation of a new approach to your health.

For practical, simple-to-implement strategies that shift your mindset from disease prevention to health creation through daily choices that naturally integrate into your life, my book Live Well is your best friend.

Don’t wait for another symptom to appear or for the next “Monday” to start. The time to invest in your health is now!

Live well,