What is HEALTH really?
When something is wrong, we are in pain, or with a diagnosis, there is nothing else we want more but health. That is all that matters to us and we become more clear on what healthy means to us!
How much clarity do you have about what being healthy means to you right now, on the scale of 1-10 ? (10 is complete clarity)
Let’s look closely into what healthy looks and feels like! I’d like to think about health in terms of what we DO WANT, not what we do not want . When you focus on what YOU WANT, you can create exactly that.
Healthy in general means:
  • my mind is clear and sharp. I can think all day
  • I am able to be present
  • I can move the way I want with no limitations
  • I can do the activities I want to do
  • I fall asleep with ease
  • I sleep deeply and efficiently
  • I am aware of my emotions
  • I am in charge of my emotions, they are not in charge of me (most of the time :)) let’s be realistic 🙂
  • I enjoy eating foods which give me energy and I feel energized after I eat the foods
  • I desire to eat healthy, real food (no sugar, carb cravings)
  • I think kind thoughts towards myself
  • I poop every day with ease
  • I have a desire and i am able to have sex with my partner (dependent on age)


1. A feeling!
2. A fact! – I am a believer in measuring not guessing.
I compare my feelings to very detailed comprehensive biomarkers (blood, urine lab tests) at least twice a year with the help of my functional medicine doctor.


  • What do i want to feel like in my body, when I’m healthy ? (creative, joyful, happy, passionate, energetic…) Health is feeling. when you feel anxious, depressed, sad your health is out of balance. )
  • What does it look like when I am healthy  for myself?
(the “myself” is extremely important here so we are not trying to compare ourselves to others and come from a place of “should” . It needs to come from you, to have the health you desire )
start with where you are NOW
  • Where am I now?
  • What does health look likeif you had a magic wand, boom done? (I wish! But it gets us out of limiting fearful thoughts and really seeing all possibilities) 
  • I am able to walk up the stairs with smile on my face, hike, lift weights, travel with my husband, my friends, cooking great meals and enjoying with friends , garden, give back through my volunteer work, be able to learn and teach and support others when I am in my 80s and 90s I want to be able to do anything I want at each phase of my life.
  • What do I want to feel ….: :I feel joyful, excited, passionate, creative, fun, peaceful, energized
  • How much are you ready to prioritize your health on a scale of 1-10
  • 10 means, 100% committed no matter what every day. Be honest if you want to succeed!
We all have different definition of health, therefore our everyone’s goal will look different.
Once you define your health goal, it will be easier to choose your actions steps to create the health you want.
Remember, you can do anything you want and I am here to support you, guide you to achieve it.  My intention as a coach is for you to achieve the health you want. To increase your clarity about what being healthy means. However, it is up to you be do the work, in order to achieve your vision of health.
You must be ready to take an ownership and responsibility over YOUR own health.
click Book Session for a free consultation!
Evolve & Live Well🦋
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. The information provided in or through this website is solely as a self-help tool for your own use. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information shared on or through this Website, the information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.  You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided on or through this website, and you agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation from my website to your life, family or business.